Advice for Starting a Career in Business if you Have a Disability

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This article is presented in partnership with Linda Chase, the Founder of, whose mission is to help people with disabilities build rewarding, successful careers. offers great resources for those with disabilities looking to advance their career and work life.

For young adults with disabilities, getting a degree in business could open up several career path options. Not only would you gain the skills necessary to launch your own business one day, but it would also help set you up to find your first job. Use this guide to discover how to leverage your skills to get an internship and start your career. For advice and consulting on how to start your own business, connect with Mark Botros for help.

Getting a business degree

One of the silver linings of the COVID-19 pandemic is that it’s easier than ever to get a degree online, opening up far more education options for people with disabilities. While in-person courses can be helpful for some, there are often access issues for disabled students. With online classes, people with disabilities can pursue a number of degree options, including business.

A business degree is a versatile educational path that opens up a number of career options for graduates. There are a number of different degree options within most business schools: students can choose between business management, IT management, healthcare management, marketing, accounting, and human resources.

It’s a good idea to have an idea of what industry interests you most, whether it’s computer science or healthcare, and choose a program that will allow you to pursue those interests. If you’re interested in starting a lucrative career, a business degree in IT management will help raise your earning potential.

Finding the right internship

One of the best ways to supplement your learning and get real-world experience is through an internship. Many universities will have programs and connections designed to help students find internships, but if you have an idea of a company where you’d like to work, it’s a great idea to reach out directly.

If you’re having a hard time finding an internship that suits you, try out these websites to connect with companies. LinkedIn can be a great option, and will also allow you to network and build your own profile to attract employers. Glassdoor is another option for finding internships, and it will also help you learn more about each company’s reputation and average salary.

Landing your first job

For some lucky grads, internships can turn into first jobs. However, if you’re planning to start job hunting the minute you graduate, keep in mind that it may take some time to find the right fit.

For graduates with disabilities, it’s important to find a job that suits your needs. For some, this will mean having the opportunity to work remotely. However, if a job you’re interested in requires you to work in-person, be sure to learn about how the company will support your needs, whether it’s supplying a screen reader or giving you flexibility in your schedule.

If you’re a new graduate and need some direction for finding your first job, connect with the career services department at your university for help. They can usually assist with developing your application materials, whether it’s writing your resume or crafting your first cover letter. Do as much networking as possible during this time, and attend any industry conferences to learn as much as possible about your new career field.

Getting a business degree is a great way to launch a lucrative career. It’s important to choose a degree in an industry that interests you, whether it’s in IT or healthcare management. Aim to do at least one internship during your studies, and be sure to stay in touch with any connections you make during your studies. And when you graduate, find a company that will be supportive of your disability needs.

Are you interested in launching your own business? Consult Mark Botros and learn how to strike the balance between success and personal fulfillment. Start here.

Linda Chase created Able Hire to help people with disabilities build rewarding, successful careers. She hopes Able Hire will be a resource for people with disabilities seeking jobs and for hiring managers seeking a better understanding of what people with disabilities have to offer.