Category Archives: CHARACTER
21 Days in Egypt, 8 Incredible Life Lessons
Signs that you may be partying with Burnout

Let me tell you about Burnout. Burnout and I used to party a lot back in the day. He and I have shared legendary binges and hangovers together. I’ve always found that Burnout used to show up at my door at times when I have been out of balance for a very long time (e.g., going full force at work, or on some project without any reprieve or recovery) But when Burnout arrives, his idea of a party doesn’t include anything fun like games, dancing, or wine & cheese platters. No, his idea of a good party, involved many unhealthy behaviors…
13 ways that you know it’s time to move on from your job

While I am an advocate for giving an employer a reasonable tenure (the standard is at least 2 years), I feel there are times when a situation can be so bad that we have no other option but to leave. I’ve seen this many times in my own career, and in other’s as well. How do you know when it’s time? Let’s explore some of the reasons why the “grass may actually be greener” somewhere else in the organization, or somewhere else entirely.