Category Archives: LEADERSHIP
How to Develop Thick Skin
One of my observations of our current society is that we have lost the sense of thick skin that I feel we used to have. There is such a heightened sense of political correctness and hypersensitivity, that we have created “safe spaces” and have new labels like “micro-aggression” to insulate us from what someone would […]
Overcoming the “Sunday Night Dread”
4 Steps To Start Your Week Even When You're Not Ready
Have you ever felt the “Sunday Night Dread”? The “Sunday Night Dread” is a phrase I coined to express the feeling you get every Sunday night before going into work on Monday morning. It’s that feeling of not looking forward to what you’re going to face the next day. You’re not looking forward to facing […]
How to Conquer Procrastination Once and For All
8 Ways to start that thing you’ve been putting off
All of us are plagued by something that we don’t want to do, and we’ve been putting it off for some time. It may be starting a business, going back to school, pursuing a new certification, taking a compliance training, starting a workout regimen, re-organizing the garage or our personal space, balancing our checkbook, or […]
The Secrets of Building Community
10 Ways to Bond People Together
Leadership literature tends to focus on the leader themselves, the qualities that they need to have, as well the tips, tricks, tactics, and techniques they need to be successful. However, one of the most critical and underrepresented leadership skills is that of building community and how to do it effectively. Over the years, I have […]
Why The Words We Use Are So Important
25 Words That Will Transform Your Mood Right Now
How to Have That Hard Talk … Elegantly
7 Strategies to Make Sure Tough Talks Go Well
Hard talks are an inevitable part of the human experience. All of us encounter difficult and awkward situations at work and in our personal lives, and at the heart of those situations are (you guessed it) difficult and awkward people that are usually the source of the problem. No one (except psycho- and socio- paths) […]
The Missing Ingredient in Networking
The 3 Critical Qualities of Every Successful Business Relationship
There is a saying in business, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”. I don’t agree with this statement. It almost implies that connections are more important than the content of your character or your knowledge or expertise. However, while there may some truth in it, I would modify the statement to say […]