Category Archives: PEOPLE
5 Things That All Great Parents Do
Basically, All Parenting Comes Down to These Things
If you were to look up parenting books on Amazon you would find over 229,000 results (as of the writing of this blog post), and I guarantee you that number will grow. In times past, people lived in communities and villages that included local family, friends, and neighbors. These villages contained within them the wisdom […]
How To Overcome Fear (Part 2 of 2)
From fearful to FEARLESS
In a previous blog post How To Overcome Fear (Part 1) I discussed fear as our personal alarm system and attempted to categorize it into a few basic types. If you haven’t read that post, I would highly recommend reading it before moving further. …Continued from the previous post So now that we understand fear a […]
How to Overcome Fear (Part 1 of 2)
Deconstructing, Understanding, and Embracing Fear
This Changed The Way I See Time Forever
The 1 Key Question That Will Help You Prioritize Now
I recently had an epiphany that fundamentally changed the way I see the concept of Time forever. What I came to discover is that Time is an experience that we are unable to control or manage. Time unforgivably passes regardless of our perceived ability (or more accurately, our inability) to manage it. The myth (propagated […]
Why You Want to “Show Up” In Person
10 reasons why you want to show your face in a meeting
If you were to survey anyone about their least favorite aspects of work, one of the top items would likely be meetings. One Harvard Business Review study showed that one organization’s weekly executive meeting had a ripple effect that consumed over 300,000 hours of its employee’s time. As a work-society we spend a lot of time […]
What Do I Do When I’m Feeling Stuck?
11 Strategies For Putting Oil Back Into Our Mental Engine
Have you ever felt stuck mentally, emotionally, even spiritually? If we are self-aware and honest, we can identify with that the feeling. Oftentimes when we feel stuck, it’s difficult to put into words. We feel that something is not quite right, but it’s difficult to identify. Sometimes, feeling stuck comes in the form of writer’s […]
4 Things You Should Never Do While You’re Sick
And how to get back on your feet when you do.
Although it’s rare, when I get sick, boy does it knock me flat on my back. Recently, I was graced with one of the “kid bugs” (kid bugs is a vernacular term used by parents of small children to describe mutant strains of viruses that start, grow, develop, and become infinitely reinforced among the human […]
What is your vision for yourself 20 years from now?