Episode 052: Reactions to the Derek Chauvin Trial (Guest Panel: Walter Powell, Mimi Geerges, and Dr. Marisela Martinez-Cola)

3 Critical Reactions on Derek Chauvin Trial with Walter Powell, Mimi Geerges, and Dr. Marisela Martinez-Cola

The murder of George Floyd set off a firestorm of protests, riots, and social action in a pandemic environment where people were already afraid, angry, and uncertain. Derek Chauvin, the police officer responsible for George Floyd’s death, was tried and found guilty on three counts. Because this case was historic on so many levels, we pulled a together a panel of three phenomenal people to provide their reactions to the verdict

Episode 051: The Talent War 2 with George Randle

The talent war - lone chess piece standing among a field of fallen pieces

George Randle is a former US Army Officer, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of The Talent War Group and Co-Author of “The Talent War”. With a 20 year career in talent acquisition George has hired over 80,000 people. He and his co-author say that many organizations are losing the war for talent, and because of that, they are not only losing their best people, but also competitive advantage, market share, and are in danger of going out of business. But they also say there is a solution, but only for those who are smart enough — to listen.

Episode 050: The Media Agenda with SiriusXM and PBS Host, Mimi Geerges

The Media Agenda

We’re living in a time of converging crises amid a pandemic, economic uncertainty, cries for social justice, riots, insurrections, and a frontline battle of truth and misinformation. We’re living in a time where the media itself, has become as much of the focus as the news it covers.

Mimi Geerges is a veteran broadcaster in TV and Radio, She was the Host and Executive Producer of the “The Mimi Geerges Show”, which was aired nationally for almost 16 years on SiriusXM Radio and PBS. Her show featured some of the most influential Washington DC power brokers, as well as leaders and luminaries from around the world. Mimi is also the Founder and President of Papyrus Media Group. In this interview, we discuss how the media really works from a real media insider. Does the media have its own agenda, or are they giving us EXACTLY what we want? YOU decide.

Episode 048: A Beautiful Death, with End-of-Life Coach, Maureen Kures, RN (46:28)

Picture of a lone leaf fallen on the water

Maureen Kures spent 35 years as an oncology, hospice, and ICU nurse. This specialized work has given Maureen a unique perspective on life and death. She has seen first-hand the devastation that can happen when families aren’t prepared for death. So she decided to devote herself full time to helping families to prepare more proactively, and cope more positively with the transition of a loved one.

Episode 047: How to Develop Thick Skin and Mental Toughness

Rough Hands Working Clay

One of my observations of our current society is that we have lost the sense of thick skin that I feel we used to have. There is such a heightened sense of political correctness and hypersensitivity, that we have created “safe spaces” and have new labels like “micro-aggression” to insulate us from what someone would have called “direct communication” just 5 or 10 years ago.