Advice for Starting a Career in Business if you Have a Disability

Woman on Conference Call

This article is presented in partnership with Linda Chase, the Founder of, whose mission is to help people with disabilities build rewarding, successful careers. offers great resources for those with disabilities looking to advance their career and work life.

For young adults with disabilities, getting a degree in business could open up several career path options. Not only would you gain the skills necessary to launch your own business one day, but it would also help set you up to find your first job. Use this guide to discover how to leverage your skills to get an internship and start your career. For advice and consulting on how to start your own business, connect with Mark Botros for help.

What Do I Do When I’m Feeling Stuck?

11 Strategies For Putting Oil Back Into Our Mental Engine


Have you ever felt stuck mentally, emotionally, even spiritually? If we are self-aware and honest, we can identify with that the feeling. Oftentimes when we feel stuck, it’s difficult to put into words. We feel that something is not quite right, but it’s difficult to identify. Sometimes, feeling stuck comes in the form of writer’s […]

4 Things You Should Never Do While You’re Sick

And how to get back on your feet when you do.

Hand holding pills

Although it’s rare, when I get sick, boy does it knock me flat on my back. Recently, I was graced with one of the “kid bugs” (kid bugs is a vernacular term used by parents of small children to describe mutant strains of viruses that start, grow, develop, and become infinitely reinforced among the human […]

17 Ways to Prioritize

...when you have no values, goals, or strategic direction

Signs pointing to everywhere

One time, I was in a meeting with six consultants, and our customer asked us to consider an honest but compelling question: “How do we prioritize our projects when we don’t have (or follow) a strategic plan?” We were providing some rather unique consulting services that were in high-demand at an enterprise level. So it […]

What to do if you do get laid off

13 ideas that will keep you in the realm of hope

Gentleman preparing his shoes

It used to be that you could graduate high school, get a job, work at that job for 30 years, and retire into the twilight of your life with a modest pension that would allow you to live out your days in relative financial security. Today – change, complexity, and competition rule our global economy. […]

Your Elevator Speech

How to craft a personal summary that is interesting, memorable, and unique

Man with cup of coffee talking with you

Here’s a very common scenario: You are at a meeting or training class, and you don’t know anyone. The person leading the meeting suggests that the group go around and introduce themselves. This is your first impression moment, and you have 20-30 seconds – if that. What you say next will determine whether you are […]

Why We Need to Give Our Best to Those We Love

A proven routine and mantra to transition from work to home

Man Holding Baby

My wife has a mantra that she has instituted in our home, “the people we love the most are the people we are the kindest to.” I love this statement because it always reminds me where I need to prioritize my time, and even more importantly, my energy. The Problem We typically give the best […]

28 Healthy, Fun, and Motivating Ways to Reward Yourself

How You Know a Reward is a Good Reward

Bowl of Strawberries

I’m a huge fan of productivity, but I’m an even bigger fan of giving yourself rewards when you’ve really earned them like overcoming procrastination and taking action on something you’ve been putting off. What follows is a list of ideas to reward yourself in a healthy, fun, and sustainable way. Admittedly, these are small rewards […]

Overcoming the “Sunday Night Dread”

4 Steps To Start Your Week Even When You're Not Ready

Fearful Girl

Have you ever felt the “Sunday Night Dread”? The “Sunday Night Dread” is a phrase I coined to express the feeling you get every Sunday night before going into work on Monday morning. It’s that feeling of not looking forward to what you’re going to face the next day. You’re not looking forward to facing […]

How to Conquer Procrastination Once and For All

8 Ways to start that thing you’ve been putting off

Man at starting line

All of us are plagued by something that we don’t want to do, and we’ve been putting it off for some time. It may be starting a business, going back to school, pursuing a new certification, taking a compliance training, starting a workout regimen, re-organizing the garage or our personal space, balancing our checkbook, or […]