10 Ways to Enjoy the Lulls in your Life

Rest is actually a natural and healthy part of life

Three Pandas Napping

I believe to have a happy and productive life we need to have work, play, and recovery – especially recovery. This post explores some ideas on how to make use of those times when we actually reach the end of our to-do list for the day and have a few minutes to spare. The nature […]


13 Sources of Self-Confidence


Where does your self-confidence come from? When it comes to self-confidence, I’ve noticed three types of people: those who have no self-confidence, those who have too much self-confidence, and those who have the right amount of self-confidence that is grounded in reality, self-awareness, humility, and faith. Generally, if you are wondering which one you are, […]

9 Strategies To Instantly Prove Yourself in Any New Position

Plus: A Case Study of Someone Who Bombed Their New Position From Day 1

Woman And Man Walking

Starting a new position is a tender time for both employers and employees. Each of them is figuring out whether this is truly going to be a good fit or not. In order to give the boss (or client) absolute confirmation that you were a good hire, doing the following will help you to win […]

3 Things We Ask Our Kids Every Night

And Why We Need To Ask Ourselves The Same Questions


I have observed that bedtime offers us, parents, an incredible opportunity to build lasting memories with our families. But even if you don’t have children (or your children are grown) it’s still a perfect time to reflect on and bring closure to the day. My wife developed a small bedtime ritual that we do with […]

9 Powerful Cultures We Need to Have in our Families

Successful Parents Have Spoken and This is What They Have to Say


In my previous post, 5 Things That All Great Parents Do I talk about my observations of the basic tenets of being a successful parent. I recently took those observations further by surveying a panel of successful parents, and asked them the following question: “What kind of culture should we create in our homes to […]

When I argue with reality, I lose—but only 100% of the time.

Byron Katie

5 Signs of a Great Vacation

What a Great Vacation Does For Us

Beach at Dusk

For many of us though, taking a true vacation can be a challenge. Often the weight of job or business responsibilities doesn’t allow us to easily get away. Sometimes a vacation itself represents additional work in terms of budgeting, planning, booking, packing, and food prep. And when we’re on vacation sometimes it’s difficult to let […]

7 things you absolutely cannot allow on your vacation

Removing these is a surefire way to a stress-free vacation

Rainy day window

Have you ever needed a vacation from your vacation? I certainly have. I’ve gone on some amazing vacations over the years, but I’ve also gone on some vacations that have left me worse for the wear. A few years ago, I went on vacation that wasn’t restful at all. In fact, when I came back […]

3 Reasons Why We Absolutely Must Take Vacation

The Compelling Case for Vacation

Little girl with blowfish

Did you know, data shows that people who take more than 10 paid vacation days have a 65% chance of receiving a raise or bonus? Vacations are a key habit of the high-performers. A recent study performed by the U.S. Travel Association showed statistically that vacations are not just a good idea, but rather a […]