“How do I get promoted to the next level?” This was the question of a young up and coming professional who recently called me for advice. Their question was specifically related to getting promoted to a Director role. I thought about this question at some length before I provided him a response. What follows are […]

As conscientious parents, we all have something in common. We not only want to provide for our children – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, but we genuinely want to give them better information, lessons, learning, skills, experiences, conveniences, and opportunities – in other words – a better life than we had. However, in this noble […]

I have a confession to make…I need this post more than you do. My life has been full of hard lessons, many of which were of my own doing – my casual attitude toward risk, poor choices, unforeseen outcomes of decisions, as well as your garden variety mistakes and setbacks. I have experienced some crushing […]
Innovation feeds on failure.

The moment you get asked to do something, when you get a request, or are asked to simply solve a problem – in that moment you have a choice to make. You can say “yes”, “no” or “later”. However, if “the ask” comes from someone critical like a key customer, a boss you respect, or […]
Life begins at the edge of your fear.
A sign posted on the highest bungee jump platform in the world.

If you were to look up parenting books on Amazon you would find over 229,000 results (as of the writing of this blog post), and I guarantee you that number will grow. In times past, people lived in communities and villages that included local family, friends, and neighbors. These villages contained within them the wisdom […]

Interviews can be both exhilarating and nerve-racking. The exhilaration comes from the possibility of a new role or stepping stone as you build your career, however, interviews are also nerve-racking because it seems to be that just getting an interview is an accomplishment, and when you do, it feels like so much rides on that […]

In a previous blog post How To Overcome Fear (Part 1) I discussed fear as our personal alarm system and attempted to categorize it into a few basic types. If you haven’t read that post, I would highly recommend reading it before moving further. …Continued from the previous post So now that we understand fear a […]

What would your life be like if you didn’t operate from a place of fear? Or rather allow fear to control you? I find that fear is an often misunderstood emotion, and our relationship to fear is a somewhat complicated one. On one hand fear protects us from danger, but on the other hand, at […]