Category Archives: PEOPLE
In Leadership, the ends do not always justify the means. If you kill your team to achieve a short-term outcome, people will remember and associate you with pain.
What all Great Projects Have in Common
The 3 Most Important Aspects of Every Well-Run Project
In my 25 year career, I have led and been a part more projects than I can honestly count in just about every shape, size, scope, and dollar amount. The largest project I ever led personally was a 4 billion dollar project that spanned 2.5 years. I’ve also seen great, well-led projects and poorly-led, rope-a-dope […]
What To Do When Our Mobile Devices Lose Power or Service
7 No-Tech Strategies to Overcome the Death Angel of Boredom When It Comes Near
In a previous post, Why we Need a Holiday From Our Screens, I talk about what we gain when we consciously turn our screens off, including a number of alternatives to spending time on our screens. But what happens when the unthinkable happens – when our mobile device has no service or battery life, and […]
Why We Need to Give Our Best to Those We Love
A proven routine and mantra to transition from work to home
28 Healthy, Fun, and Motivating Ways to Reward Yourself
How You Know a Reward is a Good Reward
I’m a huge fan of productivity, but I’m an even bigger fan of giving yourself rewards when you’ve really earned them like overcoming procrastination and taking action on something you’ve been putting off. What follows is a list of ideas to reward yourself in a healthy, fun, and sustainable way. Admittedly, these are small rewards […]
Why The Stories We Tell Ourselves Matter So Much
2 Kids, 1 Swim Meet, and the Insight of an 11-Year Old Boy That Will Impact Me Forever
How to Develop Thick Skin
One of my observations of our current society is that we have lost the sense of thick skin that I feel we used to have. There is such a heightened sense of political correctness and hypersensitivity, that we have created “safe spaces” and have new labels like “micro-aggression” to insulate us from what someone would […]