How to Find Your Purpose

Person looking out at the ocean

“What is your purpose?” “What is the meaning of your life?” Have you ever thought about these questions for yourself? The concept of purpose is broad, transcendent, and certainly not something you bring up in casual conversation, but knowing our purpose is critical to our success in life. It gives us focus, meaning, and a prism to view our life through to determine whether we are focused on the right things or not. If you look around, the people with the deepest sense of purpose seem to do the best.

Why I want a Divorce…From Perfection

5 Reasons to Embrace Imperfection

Girl punching guy in the face

Hello, my name is Mark, and I am married to Perfection. I’ve been married to Perfection for over 30 years, but I’ve come to realize that I have a problem. Perfection has not been the spouse that I thought she would be. High achievers have high standards and high expectations of themselves and others. Often […]

The Toughest Thing I’ve Ever Done as a Parent

The Good in Suffering

Child looking out of a hole

As a parent, one of the things I dread is seeing my children suffer in any way. Several years ago, I was out walking with my kids, my [then] 4-year-old daughter was running far ahead of us, and my [then] 2-year-old daughter lagged behind. The younger one was approaching a hole in the ground and […]

Letting Go of Power, Opinion, and Control

Man opening accordion

3 Ways to know if you are your own person Abraham Maslow the renowned 20th Century psychologist, proposed a theory of human behavior that is primarily driven by “needs” – The need for food, shelter, safety, security, love, acceptance, esteem, confidence, and respect. The needs actually fall in a hierarchy of needs. The bottom of […]

How to Know if You Are Present

8 Signs That you are Actually Here Right Now

Kid Jumping

One of the most challenging things for those of us who are planners and future-oriented is the ability to be in the present moment on a consistent basis. Often we focus on the mistakes of the past or terrorize ourselves over every future scenario. We blow through our to-do list at the expense of the […]

How I Learned To Like People…That I Didn’t Like

8 Ways to Turn the "Bad Guys" into "Good Guys" or, at Least "Guys We Can Tolerate"

Gift - Sometimes we are given difficult people as "gifts" to us, to show us where we need to grow

Raise your hand, how many of you have ever encountered someone you don’t like, or someone that doesn’t like you? “ME!” The Universe gives us unexpected gifts and they often come in the form of people we don’t like. Often those people show up in our lives to teach us or reveal something in ourselves. […]