Episode 017: Why We Need to be Kind to the Children in our Lives

Kid Laughing

It may seem like a no-brainer that we need to be kind to children, but it amazes me how even the most seemingly enlightened of parents unload hurt, annoyance, and negativity on their children, and when the children are difficult, rebellious, critical, and hard to deal with, they are surprised, and scarcely know where the behavior came. We need look no further than our own mirror.

Episode 016: How to get your critical ideas heard

Woman holding a light over her head

Organizations have a bit of a cognitive dissonance or conflict when it comes to critical thinking and critical thinkers. Corporations and nonprofits alike want thinkers who have hardcore critical thinking skills, but in my observation, while they want people who are good at finding better ways, finding improvements, finding opportunities, finding more revenue, and finding cost savings, They often want the skill but don’t always ask employees to exercise it.

Episode 015: How to find your purpose

Person looking out at the ocean

“What is your purpose?” “What is the meaning of your life?” Have you ever thought about these questions for yourself? The concept of purpose is broad, transcendent, and certainly not something you bring up in casual conversation, but knowing our purpose is critical to our success in life. It gives us focus, meaning, and a prism to view our life through to determine whether we are focused on the right things or not. If you look around, the people with the deepest sense of purpose seem to do the best.

Signs that you may be partying with Burnout

Like a candle burned out, our inner light can also feel extinguished

Let me tell you about Burnout. Burnout and I used to party a lot back in the day. He and I have shared legendary binges and hangovers together. I’ve always found that Burnout used to show up at my door at times when I have been out of balance for a very long time (e.g., going full force at work, or on some project without any reprieve or recovery) But when Burnout arrives, his idea of a party doesn’t include anything fun like games, dancing, or wine & cheese platters. No, his idea of a good party, involved many unhealthy behaviors…

The 90% Solution

The Glass Mostly Full represents the 90% (or almost perfect) solution

Perfection can be like an unhappy spouse who is abusive, unreasonable, and never satisfied. It can prevent us from getting started, finishing, or making decisions. The reason why, is Perfection fears Imperfection and the possibility of making mistakes. Yet this fear is completely irrational because anything we do is bound to be imperfect either in our own eyes or in the eyes of others, but we cannot let it stop us from moving forward. Done is always better than perfect. Good is always better than perfect. If you struggle with Perfection like I often do, then this may provide a helpful out for you. I call it the 90% Solution.

Episode 014: How to manage the micromanager

Martial Arts Legend Bruce Lee does his classic pre-battle face down

In a previous episode, “Confessions of a Micromanager” I talked about what’s really going on inside the head of a micromanager – using myself as the case study.

In that episode, I talked about “the problem”, how micromanagers operate primarily from a place of insecurity, fear, or a lack of control or trust. In some cases, their behavior comes from extraordinarily high standards. In this post, we explore “the solutions” on how to effectively manage the micromanager so that while that manager is getting on everyone else’s nerves, you will have some peace and sanity.

Episode 013: Confessions of a Micromanager

Fist around a flower

Early in my career, I worked for a person who was the very dictionary definition of micromanagement. It was so bad working for them they actually gave me heart palpitations for months. Because of that experience, I swore I would never become a micromanager. Until about eight years ago…

Episode 012: Why I want a divorce from perfection

Girl punching guy in the face

Hello, my name is Mark, and welcome the Perfection Support Group. I am married to Perfection. I’ve been married to Perfection for over 30 years, but I’ve come to realize that I have a problem. Perfection has not been the spouse that I thought she would be.

Episode 011: Why we really need a holiday from our screens

Girl on Mobile Device

If you look around any waiting room nowadays, you notice people doing one of several things, but mainly one: they are using some kind of screen (phone, tablet, computer, TV) to pass the time. While our electronic devices have become necessary for work, communication, connection, and re-creation, at what cost does it come? I believe we sacrifice something of ourselves on the altar of “keeping busy”. Here is what I think we gain when we turn off the screens in our life…